Covered Bond Label

The ECBC represents the covered bond industry, bringing together covered bond issuers, analysts, investment bankers, rating agencies and a wide range of interested stakeholders.

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ECBC Covered Bond Comparative Database

The ECBC Covered Bond Comparative Database is a unique tool to:

  • Explore the details of each national covered bonds framework
  • Compare key features of each covered bonds jurisdiction
  • Compare key features of each covered bonds jurisdiction
  • Access the full list of existing covered bonds issuers worldwide
  • Review the relevant pieces of national legislations
  • Consult national articles of ECBC’s Factbook and EMF’s Hypostat

How to access the information section by section:

    Frameworks: here you can find each national framework with all its features, from the specific details of the law to the EMF-ECBC’s articles about the country as well as the most relevant pieces of legislation.

    Country Comparison: here you can select the Chapters you are mostly interested in and the countries’ jurisdictions you wish to compare. Results are downloadable in Excel format.

    Issuers: here you have access to the full list of covered bonds issuers worldwide as well as to their Covered Bond Label page, when available.

    Legislation: here you are presented the full list of all relevant pieces of legislation and, when available, the videos made by our covered bonds experts explaining the national jurisdictions.


ECBC’s experts explain the national frameworks

For more videos check our YouTube channel